
Tempe Fiesta Chorus was chartered in 1992, with 23 ladies, under the direction of Barbara Link.  We competed in regional competition that year, winning third place small chorus.  The chorus grew and continued to compete in the years that followed.  The name was changed but not the passion.  Fiesta Chorus continued to compete and in 1997 achieved first place small chorus.  By 2002 Fiesta had grown to a midsize chorus and won first place in their division.

Along the way, many memorable shows were performed.  One that members still talk about today was "Men in Black".  You had to be there.!

By 2006 the chorus had returned to small size and had a new director,  Anita Barzilla.  The chorus placed first again in their division.  The following year we garnered second place small chorus and third place overall in the region.

2010 was a year in which we honored our heroes from 9-11 with a patriotic show.

In 2011 the chorus was again looking for a new director and the membership had dropped to less than 15.  But never count this chorus out.  With another new director (Cary Burns) and the determination of its members, the chorus started to grow and thrive.

In 2012, the chorus headed for regional competition again and received most improved status.  That fall it was decided a new name was in order and the group was now called Southwest Vocal Project.  The next few years were filled with changes; new rehearsal halls, adding new members and losing a few.

Over the next several years the chorus continued to grow and again had a name change to Simply A Cappella which seemed a better representation of who we are and what we do.  We competed in 2014, 2015, 2016 at regional competition placing first and second.  In 2016, the chorus competed as a midsize chorus for the first time in many years.

2017 welcomed aother new director and a new direction.  Wendi Young agreed to step into the director's position and we are thrilled to have her.  We continue to grow and flourish, in spite of setbacks during the COVID-19 pandemic and we look forward to many more years of sharing our love of Barbershop Harmony.   We hope you'll stop by for a visit!


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